Florida REALTORS® and FR/BAR forms
(January 31, 2025)
NEW FORM: Florida Realtors® Milestone Inspection Structural Integrity Reserve Study Disclosure (listed under FAR Miscellaneous Forms)
RENAMED and REVISED (f/k/a Pace Addendum): Florida Realtors® Qualifying Improvements Addendum to Contract (f/k/a PACE Addendum)
REVISED: Florida Realtors® EROS Listing Agreement for Commercial Property
REVISED: Florida Realtors® FAR Exclusive Tenant Brokerage Agreement- Commercial
REVISED: Florida Realtors® Exclusive Property Management Agreement
REVISED: Florida Realtors® Prospective Buyer Retainer Agreenent
REVISED: Florida Realtors® Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement
(January 5, 2025)
REVISED: Florida Realtors® RESIDENTIAL Homeowners' Association Addendum J. (Modified introductory lines 1-3: "When initialed ..." and changed form number to CRSP-16x).
NEW FORM: Florida Realtors® VACANT LAND Homeowners' Association Addendum C. (VLCA-1c)
(January 1, 2025)
Summary of most significant changes identified by Florida Realtors
Summary of the most significant changes identified by Florida Realtors®
FR/Bar Regular and As-Is Contracts Rev. 7
Closing Costs, Fees and Charges
Par. 9(a) Adds Seller's closing services to be paid by seller.
Par. 9(b) Adds Buyer's closing services to be paid by buyer.
Par. 9(c) Title Evidence and Insurance: revised.
Par. 15 Default: removed last sentence regarding split of deposit among brokers upon default.
Par 19 Addenda: Additional riders listed.
FR/Bar Condominium Rider CR-7 A.
Par. 6 Buyer's Request for Documents: revised.
Par. 10 Reports: revised.
Florida Realtors® Condominium Addendum CRSP16xxxx F.
Par. 1: Documents: Governance Form included in documents to be furnished to Buyer.
Par. 10 Governance Form and Reports: revised.
(November 8, 2024)
NEW: FAR Compensation/Concession Addendum Related to Buyer's Broker (FAR Listings)
REVISED: FAR Commission Agreement (FAR Listings)
REVISED: FAR Limited Service Listing Agreement (FAR Listings)
REVISED: FAR Listing Agreement for Commercial Property (FAR Commercial Forms)
REVISED: FAR Listing Agreement for Vacant Land (FAR Commercial Forms)
Version 4.92.7 (Sept, 2024)
REVISED: Receipt of Condominium/Cooperative Documents
REVISED: Seller's Property Disclosure - Condominium
Version 4.92.6 (Sept, 2024)
REVISED: FR/Bar A. Condominium Rider
REVISED: Florida Realtors F.condo addendum
NEW: Florida Realtors Buyers Broker Compensation Contingency Addendum_BBCCA-1
NEW: Florida Realtors Flood Disclosure_FD-1
NEW: Seller Credit Compensation Addendum_SCCA-1
Version 4.92.5 (August 31, 2024)
Version 4.92.4 (August 2024)
NEW: Compensation Agreement - Owner/Listing Broker to Tenants Broker (Form CAOT-1).
NEW: Florida Realtors® Compensation Disclosure.
REVISED: Revision to all FR/Bar and Florida Realtors® contracts: removed reference to MLS in connection with broker compensation.
REVISED: Modification to Listing Agreement.
REVISED: All Excluive Right of Sale Listing Agreements
REVISED: Exclusive Brokerage Listing Agreement
Version 4.92.2 (Aug 4, 2024)
REVISED: All Excluive Right of Sale Listing Agreements
REVISED: Exclusive Brokerage Listing Agreement
Version 4.92.1 (July 24, 2024)
NEW: Property Pre-Touring Agreement
NEW: Modification to Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreement/Showing Agreement
Revised: Showing Agreement
Version 4.92 (July 9, 2024)
Extensive revisions to all Exclusive Buyer Brokerage Agreements
Version 4.90.9 (March, 2024)
New: Florida Realtors form added: Prospective Buyer Retainer Agreement. (Listed under FAR Listings.)
Revised: Florida Realtors Condominum and Coop Addenda: eliminates the three-day deadline to furnish documents.
Revised: All Florida Realtors Listing Agreements, Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement, and Exclusive Brokerage Listing Agreement: were modified in the "Cooperation with and Compensation to Other Brokers" paragaph. The "None" checkbox now states: "None of the above. (If this box is checked, refer to local MLS rules regarding entry of the Property.)"
Revised: Septic Program Replacement Addendum: adds information about "Basic Management Action Plan".
Version 4.90.8 (January, 2024)
- New: Florida Realtors form added to FAR Complete: Sight Unseen Property Disclosure and Acknowledgment. (Listed under FAR Miscellaneous Forms.)
- Revised: Florida Realtors Contract to Lease now expressly requires payment in U.S. Dollars.
Version 4.90.7 (August 12, 2023)
- Leases updated: Florida Realtors informed us there were two typos in the Landlord Tenant statute they provided to us as attachments to the standard lease forms. These corrections have been made in this version:
1) Florida Statues Section 83.57(3) now specifies 30 days, not 15. (Notice requirement for month to month tenancies.)
2) Florida Statues Section 83.491 no longer shows paragraphs 5-9 underlined. (Fee in lieu of Security Deposit.)
Version 4.90.6 (August 7, 2023)
- The Florida Landlord Tenant Act was revised and has replaced the previous version in the attachment to the standard leases in Forms Online. The leases are now 20 pages long, plus the non-lawyer form that appears at the beginning of the lease, for a total of 21 pages.
Version 4.90.5 (July 1, 2023)
FR/Bar and FAR contracts were updated July 1, 2023. A legend was added to the last page that requires foreign buyers to sign an affidavit at the time of purchase verifying that they’re not prohibited from purchasing the property.
A separate "Conveyances to Foreign Buyers Addendum" was added to FAR Miscellaneous Forms.
Version 4.90.4 (March 2023)
Version 4.90.3 (September 2022)
Florida REALTORS®:
- Contract for Residential Sale and Purchase (CRSP) and Vacant Land Contract (VAC) (revised) – Lines referring to Effective Date at the end of the contract form were removed because Effective Date is defined within contracts, so an additional line isn’t needed.
- Buyer’s Disclosure Statement (revised) – Changed wording in paragraph 4(g): Removed the reference to “cashier’s check,” added “wire transfer,” and added a catch-all phrase of “or other means acceptable to closing agent/title company.”
- Contract to Lease (revised) – The option for a refundable and nonrefundable pet deposit was added – similar to an option found in the Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement.
- Referral Agreement (revised) – Expiration-option language was added, and a Florida law/attorney’s fee provision was added.
- Independent Contractor Agreement (revised) – Severability language was added to the agreement.
- Buyer’s Disclosure Statement (revised) – Changed wording in paragraph 4(g): Removed the reference to “cashier’s check,” added “wire transfer,” and added a catch-all phrase of “or other means acceptable to closing agent/title company.”
Version 4.90.2 (July 2022)
Florida REALTORS®:
- Florida Leases were revised (Lease for Single Family Home or Duplix, and Lease for Apartment or Unit). The only changes were: 1) Landlord Tenant Act was updated (pages 8-18); and 2) non-lawyer disclosure was modified.
Version 4.90 (November 2021)
FR/Bar Forms: Revised October 2021, Official release date: November 1, 2021
November 1, 2021 FR/Bar Revisions: Article from Florida Realtors
- REVISED CONTRACT: Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (FloridaRealtors-FloridaBar-6).
- REVISED CONTRACT: AS IS Residential Contract for Sale and Purchase (FloridaRealtors-FloridaBar-ASIS-6).
- NEW RIDER: CR-6_I. Mold Inspection.
- NEW RIDER: CR-6_DD. Seasonal Rentals.
- REVISED RIDER: CR-6_B. Homeowners Association_HOA - Community Disclosure. ADDS: check boxes for whether approval is required.
- REVISED RIDER: CR-6_L. Right to Inspect and Right to Cancel.
- REVISED RIDER: CR-6_T. Pre-Closing Occupancy By Buyer.
- REVISED RIDER: CR-6_U. Post-Closing Occupancy By Seller.
- REVISED RIDER: CR-6_V. Sale Of Buyers Property.
- REVISED RIDER: CR-6_W. Back-Up Contract.
- ALL OTHER RIDERS: All other riders have an updated footer: "CR-6 Rev. 10/21 2021" without changes of substance
Florida REALTORS®:
- New Florida REALTORS Form: Miscellaneous form: Miami-Dade County Septic Tank System Disclosure.
Version 4.88 (March 2021)
Florida REALTORS®:
- New: Kick Out Clause (Addendum B, VLCA-1b) to Vacant Land Contract
- Revised: Vacant Land Contract(VAC-14): The phrase "Feasibility Study Period" was changed to "Due Diligence Period"; checkbox added for Kick Out Clause.
- Revised: Back-up Contract (Addendum A) to Vacant Land Contract, renumberd to VLCA-1a.
- Revised: Residential Condominium Associaton Addendum F added fields for Association information at the end of addendum.
- Revised: Residential Homeowners' Associaton Addendum J added fields for Association information at the end of addendum.
- Revised: Contract to Lease, renumbered to CL-8, added a field for a second prospective tenant's address/phone/email.
- Revised: Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement renamed to "Exclusive Right to Lease Listng Agreement" (ERL-10); "Leasing period" changed to "Listing period".
- Revised: Extension Addendum to Contract (EA-3) changed "Feasibility Study Period" to "Sale/Lease of Buyer’s Property Deadline".
Version 4.875 (May 2020)
Florida REALTORS®:
- Revised forms: All residental Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreements and Exclusing Brokerage Listing Agreement.
Version 4.874 (April 2020)
Florida REALTORS®:
- NEW FORM: COVID-19 Coronavirus In-Person Access Acknowledgment, added to Florida Realtors Miscellaneous Forms.
Version 4.873 (March 2020)
Florida REALTORS®:
- NEW FORM: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Extension Addendum to Contract added to Florida Realtors Miscellaneous Forms.
Version 4.872 (February 2020)
Florida REALTORS®:
- CRSP-16 Contract for Residential Sale and Purchase: Modified fill-in fields in paragraph 19 (Brokers)
- CRSP-16 Addenda: Version was renumbered from CRSP-15 to match CRSP-16 contract. No changes were made to body of addenda.
- Vacant Land Contract VAC-13: Modified paragraph 11 (computation of time) and paragraph 21 (brokers).
- Added Seller's Property Disclosure Update SPDU-1
- Seller's Property Disclosure - Residential SPDR-3: Removed last page (update), updates can now be listed in Seller's Property Disclosure Update SPDU-1.
- Seller's Property Disclosure - Condominium SPDC-3: Removed last page (update), updates can now be listed in Seller's Property Disclosure Update SPDU-1.
- Coastal Construction Control Line Affidavit CCCLA-3: Changes "sworn to or affirmed" to "acknowledged" and allows for online notary.
- PACE Addendum to Contract: Added disclosure paragaph above parties names, regarding unpaid non-ad valorem assessments.
- Sinkhole Disclosure SD-2: Added requirement to disclose sinkhole insurance claim.
- Wire Fraud Prevenion Notice WFPN-3: Added "independently verify" wiring instructions sent by email.
Version 4.871 (September 2019)
Florida REALTORS®:
- Revised: Contract to Lease
Version 4.87 (August 2019)
Florida REALTORS®:
- New: Addendum to Vacant Land Contract (Addendum A: Back-Up Contract)
- Revised: Vacant Land Contract
- Revised: Residential Addendum L. Inspections
- Revised: Extension Addendum to Contract EA-3 (Rev. 3/19)
- Revised: Seller's Real Property Disclosure Residential
Version 4.86 (June 2019)
FR/BAR Forms:
- New form: Miami-Dade Special Taxing District Disclosure (Rider CC).
- FR/BAR regular and as-is contracts have a new checkbox (on the next to last page) to indicate usage of the new Miami-Dade Special Taxing District Disclosure (Rider CC).
- FR/BAR Riders: No changes in the body of existing riders, but the footer has been updated to reflect the correct comprehensive rider designation (CR-5x) and now has a revision date of 6/19.
Florida REALTORS®:
- New Florida REALTORS Miscellaneous form: Miami-Dade Special Taxing District Addendum (MDSTA-1), designed to be used in conjunction with Florida REALTORS' residential and vacant land contracts.
Version 4.85.7 (March 2019)
Florida REALTORS®:
- Wire Fraud Notice (revised)
- Release and Cancellation of Contract (revised)
- Lead-based Paint Warning Statement for Rental Housing (revised)
- Extension to Exclusive Property Management Agreement (NEW form)
Version 4.85.6 (August 2018)
Florida REALTORS® (formatting changes only):
- Residential Lease for Apt. or Unit
- Residential Lease for Single Family Home and Duplex
- Sellers Property Disclosure – Condominium
- Sellers Property Disclosure – Residential
- Vacant Land Disclosure Statement
Version 4.85.5 (July 2018)
Florida REALTORS® new forms:
- Florida REALTORS® Multiple Offer Form To Seller_MODS-1
- Notice of Multiple Offers to Buyers_NMOB-1
- Form Notice and Disclosure_FND-1
Florida REALTORS® form changes:
- Contract to Lease_CL-6
- Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement_ERL-10
- Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement No Brokerage_ERS-14nr (typo correction only changes "seler" to "seller")
Version 4.85.4 (February 2018)
- Florida REALTORS® form changes:
- REVISED: Florida REALTORS® Inspections Addendum CRSP-15-L
- REVISED: Florida REALTORS® Community Development District Addendum CDDA-2
- REVISED: Florida REALTORS® Exclusive Property Management Agreement EPM-6
Version 4.85.3 (September 2017-B)
- Florida REALTORS® form changes:
- REVISED: Commercial Contract CC-5 added Force Majeure paragraph 12 and renumbered the subsequent paragraphs
Version 4.85.2 (September 2017)
- FR/BR form revisions:
- REVISED: Homeowners' Association/Community Disclosure CR-5 (B)
- The revision number on all FR/BAR riders was updated to CR-5 (A-BB)
- Florida REALTORS® form changes:
- REVISED: Commercial Contract CC-5
- NEW: Exclusive Right to Lease - Commercial ERLC-1
- NEW: Exclusive Tenant Brokerage Agreement - Commercial Property ETBC-1
Version 4.85.1 (June 2017)
- Florida REALTORS® form revisions:
- Contract to Lease CL-5
- Exclusive Right to Lease Agreement ERL-9
- Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreement For Commercial Property ERS-7cp
Version 4.85 (June 2017)
- New Florida REALTORS (FR) Residential Contract CRSP-15 Rev. June, 2017.
- FR Residential Addenda have new revision numbers and June, 2017 revision date but are otherwise unchanged.
- FR Vacant Land Contract updated to VAC-11
- FR Vacant Land Listing Agreement updated
- Exclusive Right of Sale Listing Agreements (4 variations) updated
- Exclusive Brokerage Listing Agreement updated
- FR Addendum to Contract updated
Version 4.84 (April 2017)
Version 4.839 (Nov. - Dec. 2016)
- Florida REALTORS® added: Wire Fraud Prevention Notice, listed under FAR Miscellaneous Forms.
Florida REALTORS®' Exlusive Buyer Broker Agreement was replaced by four versions,
each used for one of the following brokerage relationships: 1) non-representative, 2) single-agent, 3) transaction broker and 4) transition from single-agent to transaction broker.
Version 4.838 (Sept 20, 2016)
Florida REALTORS' Sellers Property Disclosure-Residential (SPDR-2) has been modified and now contains five pages.
Version 4.836 (July 1, 2016)
The lease forms in the FAR Complete Package have been updated with a copy of the revised Landlord Tenant Act, effective July 1, 2016. Pages 8-18 of the leases contain the Landlord Tenant Act. None of the lease terms were modified. When using the Windows desktop program, the Landlord Tenant Act appears in the printout/PDF and in the print preview, but not in the editing window. In Forms Online, the Act appears while adding and in the generated PDF.
Version 4.835 (June 1, 2016)
Removed: Florida REALTORS' Buyers Affidavit For FIRPTA Withholding Exemption (BAWE-2.
Added: Florida REALTORS' Authorization to Furnish TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID-1) (Authorizes lender, title company and escrow agent to furnish closing disclosures/settlement statements to broker.
Version 4.834 (February 15, 2016)
Revised Addendum I (FIRPTA) to CRSP-14a (FAR Contract for Residential Sale and Purchase).
Paragraph V (FIRPTA) in the body of the FR/BAR contracts.